So, I've decided to get my self a hobby. Hobby hasn't ever really been an issue as computers always been at hand, however, by getting older, I need something new to focus the ever shrinking free time on.
Walkera LadyBird V2 FPV was my first quad RC, seen here to the right. Bought it from the good old
As I grew more interested in quads, I've now decided to build my own from parts that can be acquired online. I've therefore made my self a wishing list of the things I need to buy in order to build my UAV. And as always, budget is of the essence and I've decided on a shoestring budget.
This budget may however change during the project but I will try to keep it up to date with all parts I need for the UAV.
To comment on some of the parts that are in the list, the frame I've decided to go for is a light weight low budget frame, which I will probably buy two of to keep one as spare part. Light weight also means more payload.
Multiwii and Megapirate All-In-One Flight Controller allows for autonomous flight from take-off, thorough way-points and onwards to the landing. It runs on the same software as the well-known but more expensive
ArduPilot flight controller. Once again, shoestring budget.