Merry Xmas and so on..
Long time and no posts. I've actually not been up to anything in this project lately due to winter times and less hobby time.
However, Christmas has yielded some donations for my quad project. I've therefore decided to take it one step further. I've previously written about FPV and how I'd like to set it up. Until today, I've only been looking but the time has come to put down the order. These is the items I bought..
First of all, we need a suitable camera to record images. This is the 808 #16 key chain camera is similar to the other original 808 key chain camera I bought this summer apart from a 120 degree wide angle lens and video output capabilities. Having 120 degree instead of 76 degree lens helps a lot when trying to navigate using a small screen or goggles.
Next you need a way to transmit the images you've captured. I've decided to use a 1.2GHz transmitter instead of the regular 5.8GHz that most people use. The reason for using a lower frequency is to gain a longer wave length. For you who are not familiar with the result of this wave length difference, it basically will allow the radio waves to bypass larger objects. With a 5.8GHz radio you need pretty much nothing in between transmitter and receiver. However with 1.2GHz, trees and stuff may come in the way. Even larger objects probably allow the waves to reach its destination.
To display the result of the capture, I've gone with this 7 inch monitor. It requires 12V DC, which as to be solved in one way or another to make the experience mobile. Here I have a secret plan that some day may be turned into reality but will so far stay my secret :).
Next item is something I came across just by browsing and is a composite video receiver for a computer. This will allow received images to be projected on my laptop screen instead of an external monitor. This is also a part of my secret plan.
Now for the bad news, what do I need to pay for these items?
FPV 1.2G 8CH 800mw Wireless AV Transmitter And Receiver $55.99
Easycap USB 2.0 Video TV DVD VHS Audio Capture Adapter $7.00
FPV 7 Inch TFT LCD Monitor HD 800x480 Screen With Audio $52.99
808 NO.16 V2 HD 120 Degree Mini Camera Module 7g $43.99
Total US$160