As I mentioned in a previous blog post, I bought a USB serial converter called CP2102. What I probably should have bought was a FTDI adapter. This adapter has a pin called DST, which is needed to auto reset the target board when the new firmware has been transferred. The CP2102 however does not provide easy access to the DST pin. The solution was, as many others have done is to do a make shift soldering on the USB adapter in order to provide access to the DST.
And, first off, I cannot take credits for this tiny soldering. It's been done by a another guy who is far better than me. The solution consists basically of connecting pin 28 from the chip in the middle to output on the RST pin. A resistor was also removed to break the RST connection to not get double signals. I actually removed the resistor and made the other soldering, which probably was way easier. Soldering the wire to the 28th pin of the chip had to be done under a microscope :).
So, now we've got a working radio link that I've verified to provide signals that work as intended. The picture below shows how I've connected the radio receiver to the power distribution board, which also connects to one of the ESC's that connects to one of the motors. I'm now in the process of programming and calibrating the ESC's. This is needed to ensure that all motors behave in the same way and provide the correct amount of power given the throttle.
Todays ooops! happened when I by accident short circuited the battery and left some ugly marks. I should have put shrink tube on the soldered connectors of the power distribution board before playing with it, but I didn't :[.
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