Sunday, 7 July 2013

One motor down..

Yesterday, I started trimming the AltHold function that relies on any altitude sensors. The sensor I have so far been using is the barometer, which is very noisy. That means it's less then perfect at holding it's altitude, but works +/- 1-2 meters.

Today, I thought of doing some more testing, maybe even try the AutoLand function as the AltHold seemed to work. However, after a few minutes of flying this happened..
One of the motors came off upon takeoff and took a piece of the radio antenna with it. The motors are fastened with two screws at the bottom and it seems as it came unscrewed, possibly due to vibrations. This seem to be the case for one other of the motors when I checked them all. It seems as checking the screws before going flying is a bullet on the pre-flight checklist.

Now, I only found one of the screws, which means, I have to get another somehow. Not sure if I should order a whole new frame as spare part or if I should try to find one in a local utility store. I'm going to try the second option tomorrow to see if they have any thing available that would work as a substitute.

Yes, there will be more videos. I have two that I filmed yesterday when doing some trimming but I haven't uploaded them to YouTube yet as my bandwidth is limited and the amount is not unlimited at the moment.

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