This is what I got in the mail today. I ordered it from GoodLuckBuy and it was shipped out 10 days ago. This still means that the average time to delivery from China is about 9-10 days depending on holidays I suppose.
The little device in the middle gets hooked up and man-in-the-middles the power coming from the battery and tells the flight controller how much juice it has left. There is an excellent integration instruction at ArduCopters wiki but this is roughly how its meant to work shown in the picture to the right. There are some settings in Mission Planner that allows the flight controller to conduct an emergency landing if the voltage falls too low. Remember that I previously written that I've set my ESC's to cut power at 3V in order to spare the batterys health. This means that I should make an emergency landing prior to that. Other than an emergency landing is also to order the flight controller to RTL. However, we all know how that ended last time..
Talking about failing RTL's, I yesterday think I've got a clue why the GPS has been acting strange lately. By accident, I looked at the quad's heading according to the flight controller and it was 90 degrees wrong. This means that I've mounted the GPS 90 degrees wrong which makes the flight controller do things the wrong way.
Another update is that I received an e-mail this morning from the author of MegaPirateNG with a link to MPNG-3.0.1-R2 :). I still haven't downloaded the code but I sure will within the next few days.
I've also got another package in the mail about a week ago, which I still haven't written about. I will do so in a separate blog post due to its large content. I also have a few surprise upgrades so stay tuned ;)