First item on the board is a camera. I've previously written about the key chain 808 DVR for less than $7 that does OK recording. But for FPV you need something else. Now there is a version 2 of the 808 key chain camera that can do just that. The kit also includes a USB to video out cable that can be attached to any video transmitter to enable FPV. The improved camera is fitted with a 120 degree wide angle lens instead of the crappy narrow angle lens on the cheaper 808. This camera goes for $39 at eletoponline365's eBay shop.
For transmitter, I'd choose something with a low frequency again as with the controller radio. That is to gain as long range as possible. I found this kit at Banggood featuring a 1.2GHz transmitter. Other FPV kits regularly feature 5.8GHz. The problem with 5.8GHz is that you need clear sight between the transmitter and receiver. With a 1.2GHz it can work with some obstacles. This transmitter and receiver kit goes for $56 at Banggood.
A OSD device is something some people prefer as it applies a virtual head up display on the FPV image. The OSD device is hooked between the camera and radio transmitter hijacking the image and applying OSD using data from the flight controller. An OSD usually applies information such as: virtual horizon, altitude, air speed, heading, direction and range to "home". Home as applied for RTL. This OSD goes for $27 at Banggood.
You probably need additional wiring to connect the kit together but these are the basic devices needed for FPV.
Summarizing purcuses:
- $39 - 808 #16 v2 key chain camera
- $56 - FPV radio
- $27 - OSD device
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